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Top 5 Songs You Should Listen To...this week at least

Friday, August 3, 2007

"If You Wanted to Know"

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Pull yourself free from this
Without a doubt, you’ll understand
In time, all things will be made clear
And you’ll grasp why this had to be
Sacrificing wants for needs
Throwing comfort to the wind
Disregarding so much we held dear
Clarity will arrive unexpectedly and without announcement
This pain will all make sense one day



Anonymous said...

did you write this yourself? it's beautiful josh....can i use it for a quote on facebook?
this is abby by the way...

Joshua said...

that makes me super happy you like it

and yeah, everything i'll ever put on here is my work unless otherwise noted

as for using it? yeah, feel free. be polite and credit me but even if you don't, i'll still love you. just not as much