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Monday, August 6, 2007

Silvis Water = Poo?

You guessed it. The topic of my Monday morning thoughts? The tap water at my condo in Silvis tastes like poo. And that really sucks. It's not like I didn't expect it. But honestly? Coming from Dubuque with it's international award winning (control+F "Dubuque") tap water? It's hard leaving the top. Just like how I had a dream last night in which I went over to the house of some new H1 "pro" to LAN and I think it was Harris that came out and gave me some excuse why I couldn't LAN with them but really it was just cause they thought I was bad. Yeah, talk about some f'd up dreams. That's what you get from sleeping on HARD floors Friday and Saturday night and then coming home and sleeping on your amazing plush bed. That and the fact I woke up EXACTLY 10 seconds before my first alarm went off. Straight from dream to consciousness to despair. And now I'm back in captivity for another 7 hours and 12 minutes.


I had an absolutely amazing weekend with wonderfully amazing people. In addition to that, I'm positively trembling in anticipation for this Wednesday night. I will entertain a very special guest in the QC and I couldn't be happier.

Speaking of being happy. Last night when I got home to the condo, I looked in the fridge and came to the stunning realization that I had mistakenly thought I had eaten the last of my Mongolian Grill leftovers Friday for lunch. Oh no, I had over a half full take out container of the wonderful blend of spicy noodles, beef, pork, shrimp, chicken, sausage, crab meat and tofu. Yep, I have quite the balanced diet. So I ate a portion of that for breakfast and think I'll have the rest tonight for a light early dinner.

In regards to tonight, like usual, I have my to do/errands to run list for tonight after work.
1.) Stop at Blockbuster, return two movies and pick up the 4th and final disc of Rescue Me: Season 3.
Update: So like an idiot, as I was writing this, I decided to look for an interesting article about Rescue Me to link into this post. Yep, well, I sort of half noticed that any recent article about Rescue Me just gave off the "CHOCK FULL OF SPOILER" vibe but of course, I glance at one and I swear to God, I can read INSANELY fast when I'm trying to stop myself from doing so.

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Long story short, Johnny dies. GAH!!!
You know? I still really can't tell if I hate knowing things that will happen or not. Because even if I know something will happen, it's still the show's responsibility to launch this "surprise" out of nowhere and slap me in the face when I'm least expecting. So just like you KNOW that the killer is going to jump out of somewhere, at SOME point, some time VERY soon; you still jump when he does. All the while, feeling like a jack ass. But see, I'm guessing Johnny dies in the finale but since I didn't read ANY details other than he dies, I won't know about any supplementary plot set up or the such so in all reality, this death can happen anytime in the next 2 or 3 episodes I have left. I'm still mad at myself for reading so fast but the awesomeness of Rescue Me still has a chance to save itself, Johnny's climatic end and my hopes and dreams.

2.) Stop at my lovely new bank, Wells Fargo and proceed to cash my even lovelier Mother's check for her part of the cell phone bill this month.

3.) It should be getting close to 4:35 or 4:40 by now and I'll be getting that "i'm slightly concerned but nah, I should be just fine" feeling in my gut in regards to getting to the post office on time.So I'll cruise up through the lovely city of Silvis and head to the post office that I really hope I can find with the help of Google Maps. Once there, I'll probably talk to some pleasant faced 42 year old baseball mom and PTA member that mans the front desk as a volunteer for a few hours a week. She'll then point me in the right direction where I'll stroll most likely no more than 15 feet to a much more official looking desk/counter where a uniformed older man will eye me suspiciously as I tell him my story of moving down here from Dubuque, not having a mail box set up at the newly built condominium, needing to pick up mine and my roommate's mail and so on and so forth. He'll then probably tell me that Mike needs to pick his own mail up personally. I'll put up a little fight in the hopes he'll cave in. I'll win and get the mail or more than likely, I'll give up after a 6 second struggle and just mutter under my breath that Mike can pick up his own damn mail. In terms of good news however, since we did get our mailbox in over the weekend, I should either have my two new movies from B-Buster Online in the box today or tomorrow or there's the small chance that they're at the post office when I pick my mail up. Okay, so I just checked their estimated arrival times? Sounds like today in our mailbox at the earliest. Perfume: The Story of a Murderer and Bloody Reunion. The latter of these two, I had reservations about but decided to go with against my better judgement due to a really catchy front cover and an equally interesting back cover description...which I can't seem to find the exact one I read anywhere on the internet on short notice. You'll just have to take my word for it. Plus, any movie put out by a studio with the words "Asian" and "Extreme" in it's name is fine by me.

4.) Get back home and make a bit of din din (probably those aforementioned leftovers). Assuming then that Steve got off work at 5 or so like he was hoping to on his FIRST DAY OF FURNITURE SALES!!!!!, we'll probably sup together and watch Rescue Me or maybe an episode of Band of Brothers if I'm unsuccesful in my Quest #01.

So as you can see, I have an INCREDIBLY eventful Monday ahead of me but I'm just thinking it's just one more day that's in the way of Wednesday...

So with that, I bid you adieu for now.

Good morning lovely.

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