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Tuesday, August 21, 2007

We'll Find Our Reasons

Quick highlights of my weekend?
-Meeting some of the rapest dudes at both Halo and life. Some new, some old, some in between but all cool.
-Seeing one of my favorite people in the whole wide world, Shelton Lee. Having Jihad (Shelton) hooking me up huge with two VIP passes at MLG Chicago. Yeah, access to anything in the venue including the Pro Player's Lounge. Free Red Bull? CHECK. Plus its a wonder how many cans of Red Bull can fit in a full size Swiss Gear book bag.
-Donging in 4's
-Being sold on a 360 and Shadowrun by Jihad, Puckett, Nistic and all other sorts of studs.
-Chipotle and Portillo's? Fine dining.
-Scary Kids Scaring Kids? Super good. One positive thing about shows these days being full of sceney-boppers? Being able to have my way in the crowd. 200+ kids? Maybe two were my size or bigger than me.
-Finding peace through closure.
-Sitting back and appreciating God's love. It blows any love of mine out of the water.
-Getting almost 11 hours of sleep Sunday into Monday. So what if I had to call in sick to work get it?
-Loving life through the joy, the sorrow and the change. More specifically? The change we see in others but more importantly, the change we see in ourselves.

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