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Friday, August 10, 2007

I Push, You Push


So hi. How are my one to two readers doing? I hope well. I feel like talking to someone. I don't know why and it's certainly bad timing on my part as I'm at work and generally say about 5 to 25 words a day at work depending on the type of day. As I'm sure any of you reading this know, socially speaking, I generally say at least 25 words to everyone else's 5. Do I talk too much? I personally don't think so. I just generally have a fair amount of material to cover when I speak and to me, the true test of whether or not someone talks too much is if others begin to feel annoyed or awkward after a certain point. From the feedback I've received both directly and indirectly, I'm fairly confident people hardly find me annoying. But then again, who knows?

So I just got out of a two hour long meeting with two women from Learning Points. Since I haven't had anyone directly brief me really on any details concerning the meeting or the parties involved, I can only make assumptions but I'm pretty certain that LP is some form of data assessment and consulting firm that works with school districts to create and implement models for growth and improvement. Lisa and Corrine were both very nice and hopefully along with my fellow DCSD staff members Bob and Tom (haha, wow, i just realized that), didn't notice the heat and the lack of any need for me to speak, making me sluggish and sleepy. I certainly don't need any more issues with that at this new job. So I think this meeting is the real reason I'm feeling so expressive and talkative right now. I had to sit there and listen to 4 educational professionals talk to each other about issues that I maybe only half understand while I can only sit and listen because it really wasn't a setting that I could ask questions. This build-up of repressed words, expression and inquisition has now created a psychological imbalance that is demanding attention. Wow, this seems almost like some sort of revelation for me. Circumstances out of my control dictate even more circumstances that are both in and out of my control. Interesting to think about.

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Philip. said...
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