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Top 5 Songs You Should Listen To...this week at least

Monday, August 13, 2007

Lyke Really?

So I just read a blog on MySpace about what a certain girl wants in a guy and for a relationship. It made me think twice. If I were to make a similar list, what would be on it?
(in no particular order)
1.) Be OPEN AND HONEST. Tell me how you feel. Tell me what's on your mind. Tell me what you do or don't want to do. Especially at an earlier stage of "seeing" each other, before you're actually dating. That's the most crucial time for forwardness.
2.) When it comes to calling/texting/e-mailing/communicating; be mindful of schedules and who has time to call when. Don't expect to be called all the time.
3.) Be social. Know how to talk and interact with others whether it be my friends or even complete strangers to both of us.
4.) Its nice to be reminded that you care about me. Don't hesitate to tell me if that's how you feel and I'll do the same. It feels good to love and be loved. I like to feel good.
5.) Let me be chivalrous. I won't always pay for everything. I'm completely okay with eventually settling into a pattern of going 50/50. But for now? Feel honored, not patronized.
6.) Overdoing PDA is dumb sure but I'd like to think you're still my girlfriend in public and not just a friend that also happens to be a girl.
7.) In regards to number 6; I have no problem with saving intimacy for the bedroom but just make sure it doesn't get lost there too.
8.) I want you to be a little jealous. I am your boyfriend after all. Would you like to share me with other girls? A well balanced amount of jealousy indicates your desire to keep me as a monogamous partner. If anything, apathy from you is going to push me towards someone else, not your jealousy.
9.) Be down for whatever and have some sense of creativity and spontaneity. Its raining? Its night time? No one else is around? We're running naked in the rain. And no, that's not a requirement but the mindset behind it is.
10.) Don't be lazy. Seriously, I'm responsible and work hard. At this point in my life? I expect something similar from you.
11.) Above all else, do your very best to see me for the person I am and demand I see you for who you are. No lies, no bullshit, no egos. We are only who we are.

Plenty more I'm sure but that list is a start.

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