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Top 5 Songs You Should Listen To...this week at least

Monday, September 24, 2007


Anyone that can tell me what the title of this blog stands for wins $5. No joke.

So hi. It's Monday unfortunately and despite that small detail, life is great.
Had a pretty great weekend. Spent Friday night in Dubuque with Miller and plenty of other cohorts. Besides Miller, I also got a chance to see some short to long time absent from my life and it was nice. As is the case anytime Miller and I are together, some ridiculous-ness happened and we've got stories to tell for years to come. Back in the QC on Saturday and had a good time just relaxing and hanging out. Miller left Sunday and the large bulk of the day was spent just absolutely relaxing with Steve. Finished Rescue Me: Season 4 and despite a few weak episodes at the end of the season, the finale came clutch and made me remember why I love this show so damn much. Spent the next 3 hours just talking girls; past, present and future. That was unbelievably fun. The idea for "Day to Day Date Data" was conceived and I might be locked into a 98/2 deal with Steve on royalties. Compiled notes and told stories...lived, laughed and loved...relished, regretted and just plain yearned. It was a telling time for us.

Also had a realization that one of the best ways to relax, not get ahead of myself and to pass anticipatory to play Halo 3. I'm hoping it's going to make the next 18 days just FLYYYYY BY.

Tonight, I'm thinking Prison Break at 7 followed by the premiere of Heroes at 8. Craig gets off at 9, we play H2 campaign to catch up on the story until 12 and then go to try buying H3. I want to just get to bed tonight without touching it but I KNOW I'll be up until at least 1:30 playing. Numbers and intuition. It's how I pass time at work.

Try it. Or read my blog.


Anonymous said...

I think it's Powerman 5 Thousand, that band????? maybe??

Joshua said...

abby wins $5

redeemable as a free pint at the lift or somewhere comparable the next time i'm in dubuque