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Top 5 Songs You Should Listen To...this week at least

Wednesday, September 19, 2007


The following are pieces of mine that are going to be read by a friend of mine at the Busted Lift's Reading Under the Influence next Tuesday night. Eh? At least I won't be there to catch the rotten tomato in the mouth if the elitist indie bastards at the Lift don't like them.
Stupid thrift store gestapo.

“Hit It Chewie”

I’m not feeling very inspired today
But rather, a sense of blurred vision and mistaken intent
Anticipation and anxiety are the indomitable precursors to satisfaction
Or rather disappointment
Don’t let me be the one to tell you what to feel
Oh no…not me
Look inside and find
Take what drives you
Embrace what motivates you
Take that deep pressure in your skull that pushes you to succeed
The burning passion that compels you to choose life
Run your fingers down its spine
Caress it as you would a lover
Embrace it for all its strength and all its weakness
For without it, we are nothing
Merely a shell of an already hollow breed

“If You Wanted to Know”
Pull yourself free from this
Without a doubt, you’ll understand

In time, all things will be made clear

And you’ll grasp why this had to be

Sacrificing wants for needs

Throwing comfort to the wind

Disregarding so much we held dear

Clarity will arrive unexpectedly and without announcement

This pain will all make sense one day


Remember the way my hand felt on your skin?
Your entire body tingling at the very thought of pressing against mine?
As I slowly worked my way down, under the covers
Your breathing would quicken and grow heavy until……gasp
I pulled pleasure after pleasure out of you
Each murmur and whispered word bringing both of us closer
In your climax, I found satisfaction

“Will You Believe?”

Look straight up
Imprints of beauty in both our worlds
Floating just out of reach
Dancing like youth, life in its purest form
Those fingerprints just beckon and tease
As if to say, join us in the heavens and forever live in love
Sadly, our choice is etched in eternity
Their tears fall in sympathy and sadness for our loss
Yet from their compassion rises life and new hope for tomorrow

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