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Wednesday, September 5, 2007


So long story short, Mike is looking to buy a puppy for the household. It would be "his" dog of course but it would really belong to all of us as we would all take care of it. So many breeds to choose from...well, here are my top candidates so far. Feedback?

Reggie is on the top. He's the only orphan puppy I've found so far at a shelter. He is a boxer however and boxers are at the top of mine and Mike's list right now. The pup on the bottom is from a litter on a farm in Iowa that sounds promising.

Australian Shepherd


German Shepherd

Hungarian Vizsla

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

Feedback? Advice? Personal experiences with one of these breeds?
Feel free to let me know.


Anonymous said...

The last one!!!!!! So cute....but then again i'm a girl. But more masculine men like you guys (hehe) the boxers are cute, but keep in mind that big dogs do scare some people, not just me i swear ;)


Joshua said...

yeah, i just did some more research on the cavalier KC spaniels and i guess there's a really large chance it'll develop one of two genetic disorders. plus the long hair and the fact it's so small. toy dog small. definitely cute as hell though.