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Monday, September 10, 2007

A Life of Happiness or a Life of Meaning?

I've had a wonderful weekend of rest and relaxation.
Included in said R&R has been watching an average of 3.5625 hours a night of Heroes: Season 1 for the last 4 nights. OMG!!!
It goes without saying, this show is awesome. And addictive on top of that.
Yesterday was quite possibly, a day among days for me. I woke up at 11AM or so and went to sleep a little after 1AM. During this time, I never once wore anything other than a pair of boxers. I never once left my condo for anything. I never once put in my contacts in exchange for my glasses. I also watched ten (10) episodes of Heroes, ate three (3) 5 oz. steaks, three (3) chicken breasts, one (1) large taco salad and one (1) large serving of chicken rice pilaf by Rice-A-Roni.
It was wonderful.
Ted and Craig did come over for the last couple hours of my night and gave me at least a small amount of much needed social interaction and laughing.
Included in this laughing was below video.

Add to that a super fun visit on Friday from an old friend and a new friend alike, several wonderful phone conversations and a whole host of promise for the future; as I've said in the past and still hold to be true, every day is the happiest day of my life.

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