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Wednesday, September 26, 2007

This is the way the world ends...

H3 = pure rape
Got home with the game around 12:45AM Tuesday morning. Played until about 9:00AM that same morning. Rested and then continued to play from approximately 5:30PM to 1:00AM. Needless to say, I've put a few hours into it. It's nice cause I spent $0.00 the last two days, other than the sunk cost of the game which I'm not counting. I drove 0 miles and used 0 gallons of gasoline. And I thought of women for 0 minutes and 0 seconds. Basically, H3 has been therapeutic for me thus far. Just trying to pass time until the 12th.

GT = CPHxMorpheus

With that being said, kudos to the nerds out in Massachussatts. MC MIT FTW!!!

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