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Top 5 Songs You Should Listen To...this week at least

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Our Hearts Are Heavy and Light...

RIP Bianca (Laura) Vocke - 17 years old - December 11th, 2007
RIP Ashley Pins - 23 years old - December 26th, 2007
RIP Jason Gleason - 25 years old - January 11th, 2008
RIP Jessica Wand - 20 years old - January 14th, 2008
RIP Erin Schoenhard - 23 years old - January 18th, 2008

This has been a season of sorrow and of grief.
Far too many beautiful lights have been extinguished far too early.
God, please let the thousands upon thousands affected by these tragedies find peace.

"Our hearts are heavy and light...we laugh and scream and sing...our hearts are heavy and light..."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

RIP Jonathan Kotz - 18 years old, December 30, 2009.