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Top 5 Songs You Should Listen To...this week at least

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Weaver at the Loom

I took a trip last Friday after work to DeKalb to see the Minnesota based band, The Weaver at the Loom play at the House Cafe. Only a handful of people were there to see Weaver open for Loose Lips Sink Ships and The Giants, two instrumental bands from DeKalb and Iowa respectively. Weaver sounded just as amazing live as they do recorded. In the last 4 months or so since I've started listening to them, they've easily become one of my favorite bands. Incredibly talented, full of potential; their 5 song thematic EP "I Was Searching and I Found" is but a taste of what I feel they're capable of. Soaring vocals from guitarist Izaac and keyboardist Dan intertwine beautifully with gorgeous instrumentals just dripping with melody. Cheesy description? You bet. Listen to their EP on their Myspace from start to finish. Then listen to it again. Then listen to it one more time with the lights dimmed and your eyes closed. And then tell me what you think. Beautiful music makes life that much more beautiful.

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