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Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Down and to the Left...*

So it's a new year. What does everyone have to say to that? These are quite LITERALLY once a year happenings. No seriously, wrap your mind around that. *sarcasm*
So what does 2008 and the prospect of a new year mean to everyone? Is it...encouraging? Discouraging? Hopeful? Full of Regret? Fearful of? Brimming with nothing but Joy? There is not even a remote chance of me being able to describe and encapsulate the range of emotions that one can associate with such an event. It's beyond me and I'm content with that. It's the 2nd day of the month AND year already. 1st day back at work and the 8,108th day of my life. Life certainly allows itself to be numbered. I appreciate that on a certain level but feel that it takes away a certain level of zeal from the process we so humbly refer to as Living.

So happy new year everyone. What chances are you going to take to turn your life into something worth shouting about? Sometimes the most exciting form of living is just doing ANYTHING different. Turn the ordinary into extraordinary and drink deeply of life. The beauty, the passion and the complexity. It's all important so don't forget a thing.

*Dedicated to Ms. Lauren Albracht

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