Help end world hunger

Top 5 Songs You Should Listen To...this week at least

Thursday, January 3, 2008


[15:28] njklug20: this is noonan
[15:28] njklug20: i was looking through my aim names
[15:28] njklug20: and klug left his password saved
[15:28] njklug20: on my laptop
njklug20: hey cider its noonan
njklug20: I pwn aim sn's as well as wallters
njklug20: wallets*
njklug20: but not spelling bees
[15:30] Morello172: hahahahahaha
[15:30] Morello172: that's good
[15:30] Morello172: but i was thinking just something black mail worthy
[15:30] njklug20: ok
[15:30] njklug20: umm
[15:30] Morello172: haha
[15:30] Morello172: don't fail me noonie
[15:31] njklug20: you have until 5 pm saturday to deliver 5,000 aborted baby fetuses and 25 dollars in unmarked 1 dollar bills to me or all the girls on your buddy list will find out that your gay
[15:31] Morello172: hahahaha
[15:32] njklug20: im gonna get off this
[15:32] njklug20: i dont want people thinking im klug anymore
[15:32] njklug20: that makes me boring

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