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Top 5 Songs You Should Listen To...this week at least

Friday, March 7, 2008

I Woke...

"I woke, cold and alone
Adrift in an open sea
Caught up in regrets
And tangled in nets
Instead of your arms wrapped around me
And I wept, but my tears are anathema here
Just more water to fill my lungs
I hear someone scream
"God what is it we have done?"'

A bit dramatic perhaps but beautiful words nonetheless. In reality, I randomly lay down to nap last night around 6:30 or 7:00PM.
I just woke up at 5AM.
Such a ridiculous feeling. The initial feeling of disorientation and confusion quickly replaced by disbelief and then an almost humorous, "wow, I can't believe I just fell asleep for a half day".
So what do you do at 5 in the morning when you're in an almost 2 year schedule of waking up at the precise moment to get to work on time (5 minutes late) every morning without a minute to spare or waste? Well, for this young man, this morning he decided to go peel 12 potatoes and boil them. Yep, that's what I have going on at this precise moment. Figured I'd make a large batch of Ultimate Mashed Potatoes while I have some extra time. Also, the above lyrics from the new Thrice album are in my ears and frankly, I'm as happy as I've ever been.
Last night in the hour between getting off work and passing out, I did manage to download the new Protest the Hero, He Is Legend and Thrice. I can't lie. I'm pretty damn excited to give all three a thorough listen.
*checking potatoes*
Water was boiling, diced the last few potatoes, placed them all in pot to boil. Yes....I'm going to put in butter, milk, turkey bacon and hopefully sour cream if I have it. I'm excited.

I still have the top half of my work clothes on. Oh well, anything is comfortable if you put a comfy sweatshirt on top over it.
I rented Feast of Love yesterday. Might suck but it looks pretty good and for that reason alone, I'm excited to watch it.
Next item on the agenda. It's Friday. That means that I obviously have to work at 7:30am (exactly 2 hours from now) but the difference this Friday is that unlike every other Friday in the past 21 and a half months approximately (other than last Friday), I have to work immediately after getting off at 4:00pm at Best Buy. Yep, until 10:30pm. That's a 15 hour day boys and girls. Did it last weekend and I managed and I'm sure I'll do it again but still, always sounds more intimidating to say out loud.
Is this extra part time job worth it? Let's break it down.
-$500 or so extra income each month
-Something to do at nights besides sit around and/or fall asleep for 12 hour spurts
-A great social networking opportunity
-A chance to get off my ass and actually move around at work
-A chance to get off my ass and actually move around at work
-A major drain on my free time
-Less opportunity to go out of town on the weekend
-Long, tiring days

Lots of data there floating around. Oh well, I suppose it's worth some time. Worse comes to worse, I can breakdown and cry at the store and quit. No big deal, right?

Wonder how my potatoes are doing. I'll have to check them here in a little bit.
My eyes are going to be sore today. I didn't take my contacts out like a cholo so they're in bad shape as is. Plus I'm spending this time looking at a computer screen. Even having my glasses on is hurting them. Ruh roh...
Let me go take a look at those taters...
They still have a fair amount of time left to go...
That means you're probably stuck with me for a while longer.

Time goes slower when you're not in dire need of it. Strange.
So life's been an interesting mix of events lately. Mainly positive but I suppose enough negative to keep things in line and in balance. I'm still in the midst of a transitioning out of a relationship which is always a thought provoking time. I'm trying to spend this time learning why or why not to be in a committed relationship with someone. I'm much more familiar with the whys and certainly could learn more about the why nots.
California has been quite a theme on mind lately. I finally bought my ticket to LA the other day. I'm going there May 21-26 and I'm pretty darn excited about it. About every 5-6 months is the most I plan to stay away from the smoggy airs of California. I'm going there to visit my brother and cousin and to get some work done at my cousin's tattoo shop in Pasadena. Pretty much just paying for my plane ticket out there. Don't think I'll spend nearly as much money as I did in December so that's a plus. On top of that, I'd love to hear from Imvu about certain things that could transpire in the future. Basically, a lot of it comes down to uncertainty. But not in a bad way. Rather, an adventurous and unknown feeling of "in the next year, anything could happen". I am nowhere near ready but that's okay because to be honest, I don't even know what being "ready" means. It's ball deep or go home and I think that's really how things are going to be for at least a little while longer in my life.
I mean, truth time. I don't even know what I have going on past like next weekend. This weekend is full of work. One after that is friends visiting. One after that? Might go to Dubuque depending on my work schedule. One after that is my last weekend in the condo so I'm sure it'll consist of some moving. One after that, no idea. Same goes for the 6 or so after that until I head to California after work on Wednesday, the 21st of May.
Oh my...
Potatoes are getting close to being ready to mash.
My alarms are going off in like 40 minutes or so. Tempted to close my eyes for a little bit before that happens. Doubt I will though.
Haven't been inspired to blog for quite some time and oddly enough, I woke up and this is one of the first things I thought about doing. Other than making mashed potatoes of course.

Well, it's been fun...go live a great weekend...I miss and love many of you.

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