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Top 5 Songs You Should Listen To...this week at least

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Our Hearts Are Heavy and Light...

RIP Bianca (Laura) Vocke - 17 years old - December 11th, 2007
RIP Ashley Pins - 23 years old - December 26th, 2007
RIP Jason Gleason - 25 years old - January 11th, 2008
RIP Jessica Wand - 20 years old - January 14th, 2008
RIP Erin Schoenhard - 23 years old - January 18th, 2008

This has been a season of sorrow and of grief.
Far too many beautiful lights have been extinguished far too early.
God, please let the thousands upon thousands affected by these tragedies find peace.

"Our hearts are heavy and light...we laugh and scream and sing...our hearts are heavy and light..."

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Weaver at the Loom

I took a trip last Friday after work to DeKalb to see the Minnesota based band, The Weaver at the Loom play at the House Cafe. Only a handful of people were there to see Weaver open for Loose Lips Sink Ships and The Giants, two instrumental bands from DeKalb and Iowa respectively. Weaver sounded just as amazing live as they do recorded. In the last 4 months or so since I've started listening to them, they've easily become one of my favorite bands. Incredibly talented, full of potential; their 5 song thematic EP "I Was Searching and I Found" is but a taste of what I feel they're capable of. Soaring vocals from guitarist Izaac and keyboardist Dan intertwine beautifully with gorgeous instrumentals just dripping with melody. Cheesy description? You bet. Listen to their EP on their Myspace from start to finish. Then listen to it again. Then listen to it one more time with the lights dimmed and your eyes closed. And then tell me what you think. Beautiful music makes life that much more beautiful.

Friday, January 4, 2008

Case in Point...

[08:55] Mike Johns: what are you doing tonight
[09:00] Mike Johns: and are those your faggy bath salts
[09:01] Morello172: no, not my salts
[09:02] Mike Johns: haha.....steve is so gay
[09:02] Morello172: yeah, what a faggot

[09:03] Mike Johns: is that sarcasm i sense?
[09:03] Morello172: haha
[09:03] Morello172: anyway
[09:03] Morello172: going to dekalb for a show

Thursday, January 3, 2008


[15:28] njklug20: this is noonan
[15:28] njklug20: i was looking through my aim names
[15:28] njklug20: and klug left his password saved
[15:28] njklug20: on my laptop
njklug20: hey cider its noonan
njklug20: I pwn aim sn's as well as wallters
njklug20: wallets*
njklug20: but not spelling bees
[15:30] Morello172: hahahahahaha
[15:30] Morello172: that's good
[15:30] Morello172: but i was thinking just something black mail worthy
[15:30] njklug20: ok
[15:30] njklug20: umm
[15:30] Morello172: haha
[15:30] Morello172: don't fail me noonie
[15:31] njklug20: you have until 5 pm saturday to deliver 5,000 aborted baby fetuses and 25 dollars in unmarked 1 dollar bills to me or all the girls on your buddy list will find out that your gay
[15:31] Morello172: hahahaha
[15:32] njklug20: im gonna get off this
[15:32] njklug20: i dont want people thinking im klug anymore
[15:32] njklug20: that makes me boring

Notes to Self...

*Don't have ridiculous immersing dreams during the waking up process in the morning that cause you to be 30 minutes late to work.

*Don't not shower and have hair sticking up as you hurry to work.

*Don't do any of the above on the morning two new techs start.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Who's Up For Some Memories?

“Grab Max”

Here’s to the “we should do this more often”s,
The “why haven’t we thought of this before”s,
And the “this is so much fun”s
Here’s to all the moments spent,
memories faded but bonds strengthened
Here’s to what we lose in the blink of an eye yet gain in a single beat of the heart
To the days we’ve spent planning, wishing and dreaming
And to the nights spent hoping tomorrow would last a lifetime

Down and to the Left...*

So it's a new year. What does everyone have to say to that? These are quite LITERALLY once a year happenings. No seriously, wrap your mind around that. *sarcasm*
So what does 2008 and the prospect of a new year mean to everyone? Is it...encouraging? Discouraging? Hopeful? Full of Regret? Fearful of? Brimming with nothing but Joy? There is not even a remote chance of me being able to describe and encapsulate the range of emotions that one can associate with such an event. It's beyond me and I'm content with that. It's the 2nd day of the month AND year already. 1st day back at work and the 8,108th day of my life. Life certainly allows itself to be numbered. I appreciate that on a certain level but feel that it takes away a certain level of zeal from the process we so humbly refer to as Living.

So happy new year everyone. What chances are you going to take to turn your life into something worth shouting about? Sometimes the most exciting form of living is just doing ANYTHING different. Turn the ordinary into extraordinary and drink deeply of life. The beauty, the passion and the complexity. It's all important so don't forget a thing.

*Dedicated to Ms. Lauren Albracht