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Top 5 Songs You Should Listen To...this week at least

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Facebook App FTW?!?!

I have yet to be impressed by too many of the BILLION Facebook apps to have been released in the past 9 months or whenever the flood walls separating Facebook from Myspace were so rudely busted down. In any case, with the exception of simple ditties like Top Friends and the ridiculously addictive Jetman; most apps serve two purposes. To be able to see what your douche bag friend wants you to "check out" (hint: add...REMOVE) and to take up precious Facebook page space. I'm a man that relishes effective simplicity and Facebook is no different. Now with that all being said and out of the way; I present to you Project Playlist. Pretty simple to set up with an impressively thorough music library to choose from. I decided to go with a nice "Top 5 Weekly Songs" theme which I plan to change every week (or so) with a new set of 5 songs for my viewers' listening pleasure. I aim for quality foremost but variety comes in a close second. And then with an option for a standalone player as well as the ability to embed it in other sites like Myspace; balls deep is all I have to say. In terms of operational functionality, songs fully load surprisingly fast and play smoothly with little to no buffering.

Five thumbs up for a music player Facebook app. Granted, I haven't had it long but I'll let you know if it lets me down worse than the first Aliens vs. Predator. Not likely.

Update: So along with the flexibility of this app, I can indeed add it to this very blog. So while I have a long way to go making this page of mine look the way I want it to, enjoy your choice between Facebook AND blogspot.

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