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Tuesday, October 30, 2007

You Can't Spell Crap Without "C"

Hello all.

I've been pretty lax on this whole blog thing in recent times and I feel that there are a number of contributors responsible for that.
1.) Laziness.
I've been so not-busy at work lately. All ambition to do anything, including blogging, has been drained out of me. Its kind of like when you sleep so much, you're tired. According to simple logic, it doesn't make any sense. But once you experience it, its makes nothing but sense.
2.) Boredom.
There hasn't been much going on in my life recently. Okay, that's not entirely true. There's always things going on and life's a constant roller coaster. I mean, there's been homecoming, my birthday, Twin Cities, etc. But for one reason or another, nothing has really made me want to stand up and shout. You know what I mean? Nothing has been worth "shouting" about and that is a shame on a certain level.
3.) Happiness.
To go hand in hand with the boredom and I guess to a certain extent, the laziness; I have been happy. With happiness, too often comes complacency and a sense of entitlement to that lack of ambition. Usually this laziness is expressed most quantitatively in the loss of creativity and the activities that go along with such.

With that all being said, what's more important than a LIFE IN SUMMARY!!!!!
I don't even know what that is necessarily but I figure I'd just throw up a bulleted list of sorts to highlight interesting things I've seen or heard, new music/movies, a TV recap, etc. Here goes...

*Unforgivable - Watch it, it's hilarious. Now just picture the Noon quoting unforgivable. Yeah, see, a lot funnier.
* - My new daily addiction. Its like my morning coffee and my noon water cooler stop.
*Listen to Red Fox Grey Fox, Weaver at the Loom, the voice of sleep and Now, Now Every Children. Right now. Minnesota FTW!!! There's more where that came from too. Who would've known?
*Watch The Lives of Others, Dirty Sanchez and The Boys and Girls Guide to Getting Down. Random three movies but three of the better recent ones I've rented. Good stuff indeed.
*NIP/TUCK, HEROES AND PRISON BREAK!!! I'm finally caught up on all three shows and watching new episodes weekly. Waiting week to week certainly detracts from the cinematic quality of each show but it's inevitable.
!!!Nip/Tuck!!! - Season 4 was nothing short of spectacular I must say. Watching that made me realize what smack must feel like. To me, Nip/Tuck after this last season has been a 60+ episode, 4 season single story arc and I think it's pretty fantastic. Season 5 starts TONIGHT!!! and I'm pumped, needless to say.
!!Heroes!! - Season 2 so far has been pretty damn good. A few redundancies and over-used plot tools but besides that, things have been as hot as ever. So far, about 6 episodes in, there's only been a few big plot points converging so expect some awesome-ness in the next few weeks. Hiro's role hasn't been as important as I'd like but like I said, I'll have faith until the finale and maybe beyond if I'm feeling generous.
!Prison Break! - Season 3 has been impressive thus far. I think of all these shows, Prison Break has the shortest potential lifespan and therein lies its central flaw but despite this, season 3 is proving to be as exciting and nail biting as the first two. Lincoln has some cheese ball lines and Michael is as vague and mysteriously frustrating (bordering on annoying) as ever but the real shine is in the supporting characters and always has been. There hasn't b been a real powerhouse yet (due mainly to the unfortunate playing down of Mahone's character) but I'm hopeful there will be. There's been a lot of breaks though where an episode doesn't air including last night but I'm pretty sure there's some sort of 2 hour deal next Monday so I can handle it.

And finally, I'll leave you with a pretty sweet picture my good friend Craig Nagovan took a few weeks back at Duhawk homecoming down at the Lounge.
I'm A Ghost

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