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Top 5 Songs You Should Listen To...this week at least

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

A Splash of Fresh

"i gotta take what i'm making and turn it into something for you...
oh i gotta break what i'm making and turn it into nothing for you..."

So congratulations Josh. You updated your blog a little. I finally got the initiative to fix the width problem I had with my template. I like how it looks now. Plus I went ahead and updated my "Now Watching" and "Now Listening". A word of advice? Go watch and listen with me. I would never lead whatever readers I have astray with poor recommendations.

Well, a little over one hour of work done with for the day. I think I spent the majority of that commenting on a Live Journal post by Michael. The opportunity he's finding in the Twin Cities makes me so very happy but his hesitance and self-doubt makes me sad. Michael is an amazing guy. I have yet to meet many other people that have impressed me as much as he has. Especially so at his stage in life. He's relatively young compared to me and the open canvas of his life is all the more exciting for me to see where his path takes him. If you're reading this Michael, the next 5 years of your life are the most pivotal. Always strive to be someone worth writing about.

I was just wondering there if Michael would actually read this. I don't know if he checks my blogspot account but then I realized that I'm sure I'd inevitably post this on my LJ account anyway.
I feel as if I'm constantly in a state of dual citizenship or something.
Dual monitors at work and home

I find some sort of comfort and identity in a state of duality. I think more than anything, I've been defined by it from birth and am inevitably drawn toward it in my life. Is this a good thing? I have no idea. I do know that I'm comfortable and happy with my life and the state I do exist in. I guess it's a day by day and case by case type of definition.

Maybe why I've never voted? Can't split my loyalties more than 50/50?

...Nope, still just because politicians are dumb.

"I'm like a paper bag but the bottoms wet
It must be something bleeding internally inside
I didn't know the things that you never did could stay with you your whole life"

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