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Wednesday, December 12, 2007

I'll Make My Stand

Tragedies aside, there is one main component of the formula to appreciating and cherishing life that I know of. And that ladies and gentlemen is living it. Through the pain and the sorrow, the joy and the bliss; life is bigger than it all and slows for no one.

After something as tragic as Bianca's passing happens, it's hard to talk about other "less important" things. Do you know what I mean? I basically feel guilty for caring about things in my life that in the light of the tragic circumstances, seem trivial and unimportant. I think that's one of the hardest obstacles to overcome in the pursuit to cherishing and appreciating life. I guess too often death can overwhelm and hinder it's antithesis and cure; Life.

I just returned from California where I was visiting for my cousin's wedding. My dad's family are all in California, in the Los Angeles area so it was great seeing most of them. I haven't seen anyone on that side of the family in almost 8 years, since my grandmother's funeral. My half brother Sammy who I used to be fairly close to when I was younger, lives out there now too. He does architectural work for a construction company during the week and tattoos at my cousin Peter's shop on the weekend. Seeing him and visiting Peter at his shop was awesome.
My cousin Ann got married to her fiance Stephen. (Ann * lawyer) + (Stephen * IT director at the top school district in California) = a rich set of newlyweds. The wedding was really nice and just an amazing experience all in all. Between the beautiful and wonderfully short ceremony to the reception at the incredible Empress Harbor Seafood Restaurant with the 10 course meal and me dancing in front of about 300 Chinese guests like an idiot (BY MYSELF!), the trip was a success. A few hiccups here and there but simply put, I'd pick California over the Midwest any day. Pictures from the trip and the wedding are forthcoming.

Add a piece of lost luggage to my car being in the shop and having to get a rental to my Macbook going missing at the hands of the Hy-Vee customer service department and you have the recipe for a hectic rest of the week.

For a Reason...

Far too much to write about in one post in one sitting so I suppose I'll pick and choose as I attempt to inspire myself to transpose my thoughts onto the internet.

Most important on my mind, Bianca Vocke passed away this last Tuesday night due to complications from a car accident she was involved in occurring the week previous. I have never met Bianca and unfortunately, can only now make her acquaintance in heaven but I am friends with her sister Celeste. My heart breaks for Celeste and her family. There aren't many words that I can write that haven't been repeated over and over in the last couple days. Repeated to the point of dull indifference, where the words lose their meaning and become routine more than anything. I never want to feel that way. To any who read this that believe in the beauty and power of prayer, please pray for Celeste, her family and everyone affected by this tragedy. Remember the fragility of life and the sacred value that we must place on it, each and every day. Celeste, you promised to introduce me to Bianca after all of this was over and I'm holding you to it. One day, I'll see your face light up in it's beautiful and proud glow as you introduce me to her and her to me.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Here We Come...

Okay fine, depending on when you read this, I'm not leaving until Thursday but the point is? As much as I can, I love this state.

All vague posts aside, I'm flying to LA in the company of my girlfriend and my father to attend my cousin's (my father's niece) wedding in Santa Anita. Due to some last minute preparations (not on my part mind you), I'll be flying out of Rockford while my girlfriend and father will be flying out of Moline. Both flights are at 6AM and are to Denver where we'll actually all three get on the same flight to Burbank. Repeat for the way back.

Sounds like quite the Asian wedding to be had. The reception? No Big Deal.

Coupled with finally seeing my family out there? I'm quite excited. My brother Sam is an architect in LA and also tattoos on the weekends at my cousin Peter's shop in Pasadena. Peter just messaged me via Myspace out of absolutely nowhere to say hi and to tell me he's excited to see me this weekend. That was a good feeling. Haven't seen Peter in a good 7 years or so. I wonder what kind of deal Resurrection Tattoo can cut a little Eurasian cousin like me?

More after the break...