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Wednesday, December 12, 2007

For a Reason...

Far too much to write about in one post in one sitting so I suppose I'll pick and choose as I attempt to inspire myself to transpose my thoughts onto the internet.

Most important on my mind, Bianca Vocke passed away this last Tuesday night due to complications from a car accident she was involved in occurring the week previous. I have never met Bianca and unfortunately, can only now make her acquaintance in heaven but I am friends with her sister Celeste. My heart breaks for Celeste and her family. There aren't many words that I can write that haven't been repeated over and over in the last couple days. Repeated to the point of dull indifference, where the words lose their meaning and become routine more than anything. I never want to feel that way. To any who read this that believe in the beauty and power of prayer, please pray for Celeste, her family and everyone affected by this tragedy. Remember the fragility of life and the sacred value that we must place on it, each and every day. Celeste, you promised to introduce me to Bianca after all of this was over and I'm holding you to it. One day, I'll see your face light up in it's beautiful and proud glow as you introduce me to her and her to me.

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