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Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Here We Come...

Okay fine, depending on when you read this, I'm not leaving until Thursday but the point is? As much as I can, I love this state.

All vague posts aside, I'm flying to LA in the company of my girlfriend and my father to attend my cousin's (my father's niece) wedding in Santa Anita. Due to some last minute preparations (not on my part mind you), I'll be flying out of Rockford while my girlfriend and father will be flying out of Moline. Both flights are at 6AM and are to Denver where we'll actually all three get on the same flight to Burbank. Repeat for the way back.

Sounds like quite the Asian wedding to be had. The reception? No Big Deal.

Coupled with finally seeing my family out there? I'm quite excited. My brother Sam is an architect in LA and also tattoos on the weekends at my cousin Peter's shop in Pasadena. Peter just messaged me via Myspace out of absolutely nowhere to say hi and to tell me he's excited to see me this weekend. That was a good feeling. Haven't seen Peter in a good 7 years or so. I wonder what kind of deal Resurrection Tattoo can cut a little Eurasian cousin like me?

More after the break...

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