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Top 5 Songs You Should Listen To...this week at least

Wednesday, November 21, 2007


[13:16] Me: now what lesson did you learn?
[13:16] Finny: uh if its too good to be true, its too good to be true
[13:16] Me: haha, good boy
[13:16] Finny: and never under any circumstances buy something out of the back of someones van

Monday, November 19, 2007

Speaking of Eros...


Hello audience. Or whatever I have that might constitute as one. I recently made the internet acquaintance of one, Jeremiah from the Minnesota based band Red Fox Grey Fox. Anyone that's been paying attention to my screaming either online or IRL in the past couple months might know the juicy fact that I'm in love with RFGF. So imagine my surprise.delight to read an open invitation from Jeremiah to read his blog and to share in thought with him. All in all, he seems like a pretty stand up guy. Besides understood and loved, he makes me feel a.) old and b.) creatively stagnant. I guess I did have my my initial creative burst with this blog last August when I started it but as chronicled in some of my last few posts, I've somewhat leveled out in recent times. But guess what? I'm not going to categorize creativity any longer. Expression is all that matters and I have something to express.

Taking inspiration from Jeremiah's foray into the blogging world with his post about love; I recently had somewhat of an epiphany. Well, I guess "epiphany" may be fluffing it a LITTLE bit but semantics aside, I was moved. But first, let me indulge and perform God's greatest gift to the story telling world (at least according to Josh). Let me preface.

I was quite the little romantic as a young(er) man. Along with that, it goes without saying that I was much more idealistic in the past than I could honestly say I am now. A life defining relationship a few years back changed much of that. But to be fair, I think this happens to most everyone at some point or time. But I've always been a few years ahead of everyone so apparently this head start extended to relationships as well. It just gave me a much more adult and realistic approach on romantic love and relationships with our better halves. Fast forward through close to a year of being single and not really being interested in a serious relationship. I meet a wonderful young woman and dated this wonderful young woman for about 7 wonderful months. Not every day was wonderful but we didn't have anything seriously wrong with us. To make a long story short, I broke up with her because simply put, my heart wasn't in it anymore and I couldn't commit myself to her 100% at that point in my life and it wasn't fair to her. A primary reason my heart wasn't in it was because I had developed the idea on some level that things weren't running smooth enough and well frankly, life's a little too short to waste time on something that isn't for a lack of better words, easy. I had become jaded on some level.

So fast forward now. We still talked after we broke up. Still fought at times, went through periods where we didn't at all. And then about 3-4 months after the break up, we really started to spend quality time with each other. This lasted for a couple months and ended the other day. It ended because we decided to give it another shot and make it official and all that jazz. I had been tossing the idea around for a while but I still held a fair amount of doubt about the worth of it all and effort involved. So really? All this rambling about Ashley, not important at all in the grand scheme of this post. Relationship material generally stays in my head and I only write of it to preface this epiphany of mine. The other day, I was on phone with her while driving. I'm listening to This Providence and as I get off the phone with her, flashes of contemplation cross my mind as to the whole situation and what I wanted to do about it all. Almost as if in response to my thoughts, this repeated chorus line from "The Road to Jericho is Lined with Starving People" floods my ears.
"If lovin' were easy, it wouldn't be love"
Cheesy as hell? Most definitely. Thought provoking? The same.
I guess it all just sort of hit me right there. Phillia, Eros, Storge or Agape. All of these are intertwined to form the basis of what I feel is the meaning of life. To love and to be loved. To respect and to be respected. Taking from the comment "Korissa" left on Jeremiah's blog, there are not many greater feelings than that of mutual love.

So if you read this far, thanks. And I promise that's the last of it in the relationship rambling department at least for a good long while. It's just something on my mind recently and there's no better day than Monday to let it all bubble out.

Monday, November 12, 2007

This Curse...Will Sting the Worst

It's amazing how little I've been inspired to write lately. I talked about this in one of my more recent blogs and I guess nothing has really changed much. I do just about the same things everyday at work. My life outside of work wonderful but nothing extraordinary I suppose. I watch a lot of interesting and original indie movies that I generally enjoy. I'm still a fervent Heroes, Prison Break and Nip/Tuck fan. I socialize as much as possible down here in the QC. Met some new people this last weekend which was nice. Had a great time last night just sitting around, playing cards and listening to 50's radio with Annie, Rachel, Dengler, Steve and Craig. And of course Archer was there.
I'm excited to start getting things done again which seems to happen primarily during the week. A haircut is finally in order for tonight hopefully. I'm supposed to be stopping by Rites of Passage to get my back tattoo touched up. But due to past scheduling attempts with my artist Jon there, I foresee having to reschedule it. So on the off chance that the tattoo stop goes according to plan, I'm just going to stop by the Hair Cuttery to see what they can do to me. In the more likely case of Jon canceling or something; I'm going to try getting in at Capri up in Davenport.
In either case, expect a total loss of hair. I'm sick of going in there and having this pseudo-faux-scene Capri girls just about crying the more hair they have to cut off. I go in wanting a cut and essentially come out with a trim. So I just need to be assertive and demand a drastic cut and promise a swift punch to the throat in the event that she fails me.

So news flash!!! I tend to lounge pretty relaxed-like in my office chair and more often than not, that leads to my belly being pressed up against the edge of my desk. Know what I mean? You would if you've ever lounged in a cubicle. Anyway, so I was just doing this unconsciously while typing and all of a sudden? SNAP. Yep, my fat finally got the better of me and a button on my shirt get stuck under the edge of the desk and when I sat up to stretch, the pressure of my chair straightening mixed with the force of my stomach against the edge...SNAPPED that button clean in half. Not going to lie, I've never seen a button actually snapped in half but today's the day. Funny thing is, it's the same button that's popped off in the past and Ashley was nice enough to take one of the pocket buttons and replace it. Welp, I'm doing to the other pocket's spare. So I hope she'll fix it again for my fat ass.

Well, on that note? I'm going to eat a cup of soup and slowly inch my way through this Monday.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Facebook App FTW?!?!

I have yet to be impressed by too many of the BILLION Facebook apps to have been released in the past 9 months or whenever the flood walls separating Facebook from Myspace were so rudely busted down. In any case, with the exception of simple ditties like Top Friends and the ridiculously addictive Jetman; most apps serve two purposes. To be able to see what your douche bag friend wants you to "check out" (hint: add...REMOVE) and to take up precious Facebook page space. I'm a man that relishes effective simplicity and Facebook is no different. Now with that all being said and out of the way; I present to you Project Playlist. Pretty simple to set up with an impressively thorough music library to choose from. I decided to go with a nice "Top 5 Weekly Songs" theme which I plan to change every week (or so) with a new set of 5 songs for my viewers' listening pleasure. I aim for quality foremost but variety comes in a close second. And then with an option for a standalone player as well as the ability to embed it in other sites like Myspace; balls deep is all I have to say. In terms of operational functionality, songs fully load surprisingly fast and play smoothly with little to no buffering.

Five thumbs up for a music player Facebook app. Granted, I haven't had it long but I'll let you know if it lets me down worse than the first Aliens vs. Predator. Not likely.

Update: So along with the flexibility of this app, I can indeed add it to this very blog. So while I have a long way to go making this page of mine look the way I want it to, enjoy your choice between Facebook AND blogspot.