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Thursday, August 23, 2007


Well, that was quick...
A personal belief I hold is that no matter the length, frequency or relative importance, every encounter with another person in this life has an impact on you and your character. Time acts as an exponential factor in determining what sort of influence he or she might have as perceived by you but the influence occurs regardless.
My life is no different. I recently became very close to someone I've distantly known for almost a year and a half. Up until almost 2 months ago, we spoke infrequently and saw each other even less. But as life is so fond of doing, our lives randomly chose to intersect and intertwine for a period of time. How did it happen? Like I said, life has a way of taking a whole bunch of little actions, reactions, coincidences and twists of fate to turn dozens of little ingredients into a masterpiece of a meal.
I digress.
This person absolutely took me by storm. There really is no other way to put it. I was at a pivotal split in the road of my life and I was flabbergasted to find someone so amazing standing at the Y intersection, like me, contemplating which way to go. I surely didn't expect this and while part of me cursed the timing of it all, I still embraced the beauty in the unknown.
Well, after all is said and done, we chose separate paths down that road.

To you:
I want only the best for you. As previously mentioned, my only regret would be if I were to exit this situation having learned nothing. I am sorry for not foreseeing the ending of this but who would I be to judge without precedent? To be completely frank, your actions in dealing with me did not make much sense. Logic seemed to play no part in your thinking and while I cannot fault you for your personal choices, I am saddened by it and wish there would've been something I could've done to truly discover you.
You told me of past suffering at the hands of others and at the time, I felt compassion and wanted to share with you my love and happiness. But just as I personally hold myself accountable for learning from the past, you are no different. If you do not grow, you will fail and not receive one ounce of sympathy from me.

Finally, you reminded me of the many dangers inherent to trust. This is one area where I knowingly reject my philosophy of learning from the past. Therefore I desire no sympathy from you or anyone else. But without trust, there cannot be love and without love, there cannot be life. As for me, my life is my love and I do not plan to stop sharing that with others.

Thank you.

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